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ESA/NASA STEP for Aerospace Applications Video/Teleconference
-- A Joint ESA/NASA Virtual Meeting

July 16, 1999, 11:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Presentation Slides


11:00  Welcome to video/teleconference (Georg Siebes and Steve Waterbury)
         - Participant introductions

11:15  ESA presentations
         - Overview of ECSS
             (ECSS = European Co-operation for Space Standardisation)
             (Rainer Gruenagel, ESA/ESTEC, ~10 min)
         - ECSS Working Group "Exchange of Product Data" and Related Work
             (Hans Peter de Koning, ESA/ESTEC, ~15 min)
         - Overview of STEP Protocols for Space
             (STEP-TAS/NRF/PRP, AP232, including current implementations)
             (Eric Lebegue, ESPRI Concept, 20-30 min)

12:10  STEP-TAS Discussion
         - Needs/requirements for thermal analysis
           model exchange and management
             -- Tools that need STEP-TAS translators
             -- Resources and funding required -- sources?
         - Potential ESA/NASA STEP-TAS collaborative implementation pilots
             -- candidate flight projects (e.g. Mars Sample Return Mission)
             -- ISE (e.g., Space Station Application)
             -- ESA/NASA joint R&D projects

 1:00  Break (1 hour)

 2:00  PDES, Inc. and NASA presentations
         - PDES, Inc. Plans for Piloting STEP in Engineering Analysis
             (Gerry Graves, PDES, Inc. ~30 min)
         - Overview of STEP Master Model Concept and NASA STEP Testbed
             (Steve Waterbury, NASA/GSFC ~20 min)

 2:50  Discussion
         - Identify existing problem areas where STEP would provide most benefit
             -- add specifics to generic use cases
             -- add specifics to generic requirements
         - Needs/requirements for those areas and associated disciplines
             -- PDM
             -- MCAD
             -- ECAD
             -- Analysis
             -- Systems Engineering
             -- Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

 3:15  Break (10 minutes)

 3:25  Discussion
         - Candidate ESA/NASA development/pilot projects
             -- candidate flight projects
             -- ISE applications
             -- ESA/NASA joint R&D projects on space-specific STEP applications
             -- PDES, Inc. & ProSTEP projects
                  --- PDM Implementors' Forum
                  --- Engineering Analysis Project
         - Joint ESA/NASA policy development and policy statements
             -- draft joint ESA/NASA statement of needs/requirements for STEP
             -- inclusion of STEP-TAS in NASA CAD Standard
             -- ESA/NASA collaboration to develop a joint document:
                "Guidelines for Applying STEP in Aerospace Projects"

 4:00  Demonstration of STEP Geometry Visualization Software 
       Integrated with Enterprise Java Beans
         (Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.)

 4:30  Adjourn


George Siebes         NASA/JPL             georg.siebes@jpl.nasa.gov     
Steve Waterbury       NASA/GSFC            steve.waterbury@gsfc.nasa.gov
Harry Frisch          NASA/GSFC            harry.frisch@gsfc.nasa.gov
Jim U'Ren             NASA/JPL             jim.uren@jpl.nasa.gov         
Sheryl Kittredge      NASA/MSFC            sheryl.kittredge@msfc.nasa.gov
Gerry Graves          PDES, Inc.           graves@scra.org               
Hans-Peter de Koning  ESA/ESTEC            hanspeter@yc.estec.esa.nl
Rainer Gruenagel      ESA/ESTEC            rgruenag@estec.esa.nl
Eric Lebegue          ESPRI Concept        eric.lebegue@esprico.fr       
Dick Weinstein        NASA/HQ              richard.weinstein@hq.nasa.gov 
Martin Hardwick       STEP Tools, Inc.     hardwick@steptools.com
Gene Allen            MacNeal-Schwendler   gene.allen@mscsoftware.com
Dave Rosato           Harvard Thermal      Dave@HarvardThermal.com       
Peter Denno           NIST                 peter.denno@nist.gov
Eric Golliher         NASA/GRC             eric.golliher@grc.nasa.gov

JPL Node
Mike Dickerson        NASA/JPL             mike.dickerson@jpl.nasa.gov
Farrokh Shoar         NASA/JPL             Farrokh.F.Shoar@jpl.nasa.gov
Eric Cassell          NASA/JPL             eric.cassell@jpl.nasa.gov
Paul Nelson           EuroSTEP             pnels@worldnet.att.net

Webmaster: Steve Waterbury (email: stephen.c.waterbury@nasa.gov)

Responsible NASA Contact:
Steve Waterbury

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